The VRChat archive was a channel that helped save various old VRChat related VOD's of streams that would otherwise be gone. Twitch only saves VODs for 2 months, after this duration they get automatically deleted. The channel Used to archive Roflgator, TheBigMeech, StealthRG and MurderCrumpet VODs.
The channel was indefinitely suspended in February 2021 after receiving multiple DMCA strikes at once for various "reacting" content and all its followup appeals for fair use rejected. Some fans have saved many of Roflgator old VODs but the new channel remains largely incomplete missing VODs between February 2020-Dec 2020.
New Archive channels that have replaced the old
Old broken links[]
Playlists of Archived Streams[]
Roflgator archived streams[]
- Roflgator VRChat Forbidden Knowledge VODs only
- Roflgator VRChat VODs 2018
- Roflgator VRChat VODs 2019
- Roflgator VRChat VODs 2020
- Roflgator Unlisted Non-VRChat VODs 2018-2019
- Roflgator Unlisted Non-VRChat VODs 2020
- Roflgator GTA5 RP VODs
- Roflgator Podcasts
TheBigMeech archived streams[]
MurderCrumpet archived streams[]
StealthRG archived streams[]
- StealthRG VRChat VODs 2018 Pre-Season (before RP)
- StealthRG VRChat VODs 2018 (until April)
- StealthRG VRChat VODs The deleted (but saved) Emiyuh streams
- StealthRG VRChat VODs (after April 2018) - Chipz Archive (not my channel)
I could not get permission from Stealth to continue archiving, sorry. He never responded to my messages.
- Good Boys VRChat - Edits and saves Chipz Season 5 Ascension Academy RP streams
- StealthRG Song List - A list linking to all StealthRGs performances up until April 2018.
- Roflgator Episode Guide - Incomplete episode guide
- StealthRG Episode Guide - Good episode guide with links to VODs!