VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

Who is Uivellon?[]

Uivellon Seirel Mellilthor is a Nonbinary High Elf Adventurer who specializes in healing magic, specifically AoE healing with a dance. They arrived in Cari Town on the second day after it reopened following renovations. They joined the Adventurer's Guild soon after they arrived.


Moss Men[]

Uivellon arrived in Cari Town and joined the Adventurer's Guild on the second day. They mingled with the townsfolk as they acclimated themselves to their new surroundings, managing to fluster many of them with their flirting. They were commissioned to help dispose of a giant spider corpse, but when they arrived with the other Adventurers it seemed to have disappeared. Later in the evening they went out to fish for the Guild Chef, but were attacked by Bandits and fled back to the gate. Thankfully they were not injured.

While escorting the miners to the city Uivellon's party found Vol'lis Adala and Allan Walker suspiciously outside the walls and they decided to follow, shortly they found Allan Walker in the mist pointing his bow to a Thornmold that was feasting on a woman while an unconscious man lied beside her. After the full party arrived at the scene the creature fled and Uivellon completed the escorting mission taking the unconscious man to the Town.

When the unconscious man awoke he informed them about the attack and told them that he was transporting a shipment of pickles that should have arrive to the town........

Sewers Expedition[]

Due to the serious increase of rats on town and the previous investigation done by some members of the town about the sewers an exploration party was assembled to allocate the problem on the sewers where most of the rats infestation came from. The party memebers were Mason Morris, Steve, Priam Lucidum, Malgywn Spell'Shard, Rick Sanchez, Evonne Vittoria, Sorenna and the CAF officer Finn. When they arrived where rats were coming from they found a ogre like mutation of rats that got defeated by the team effort but when the dawrven mechanism, of the sewers go activated they found themselves forced to exit the place. Outside by order of the CAF Officer Uivellon protected, alongside the other adventurers, Finn that was dispersing the corrupt magic circles, afterwards Uivellon was called to assist in the disperse of the circles contributing mana for the procedure.

Days latter Finn sends a letter for the town to assign the adventures that participated on the sewers exploration to escort Lnik and Narali Lagomora where to the magic circles location. Due to only Uivellon and Priam being available a party of 4 was created to reach the place. While reaching sewers exit Uivellon notices several rat ogres of different heights and a red hooded person restoring the previous magic circles. After deliberation they call town guards to assist them engaging them and after a tough fight they manage to eliminate them but because they didn't have anyone with fire or water affinities they weren't able to disperse the new corrupt magic circles.


  • Their wings are cloth and are part of their outfit. They swirl around then as they dance.
  • Their staff is a proper magical staff and improves their magic casting when used.
  • They helped start the midnight mail with Ara Tulip

