Who are The True Mandalorians of VRChat?[]
We are a group based loosely on Legends continuation of Star Wars. We adhere to the tenants of the Resol'nare and follow our Mand'alor. As Mandalorians, we hold PVP events, drinking nights, and even participate in some bounty hunting.
As an ideology, we have existed for around 5 years, formed into more of a Hub by our founder, Mand'alor the First. and continued on throughout the generations in many different forms, with the way each Mand'alor functions being evidently different.
Due to DJ no longer being active in the Community and his members not being recorded, we have no current way of giving any information of the founding of the first Mandalorians of VRChat.
What we do know is that during his rule is that DJ had around 80 members, and never actually went by the title of Mand'alor during his time as ruler. That name was awarded later on, many generations down the line.
Coming of the Father[]
Age of Quest and the New[]
The Kond'alor[]
Previously the server maid for the Mandalorian group ran by Grey Skirata, Sophia the Kond'alor was part of the great turning point within the VRChat Star Wars Community. Due to the Corruption growing within the Grey Skirata Mandalorian group, Wildkale and Sophia banded together to first overtake the community, making a new and reformed community. Originally, Wildkale was the first to create the new server, then he later spoke to Sophia and convinced Sophia to come along and help run this rebellion, being asked to run as the new Mandalor. Through closer inspection and investigation, They decided that the issues in the very name of the corrupt group were too great to overcome with a simple server change. With this, they created a new server called the "True Mandos of VRChat". Over several weeks of finding people who also hated the corruption within the Grey Skirata Community, they soon had a large amount of backing and high ranking members of the said server to bring along into this new light. Moreover, with these people, they landed their first attack on the political and social standing on the community with Sophia leading the attack and Wildkale directing every move and decision. Knowing full well that Grey Skirata in some way would rig the fight for the leadership position, Sophia and Wildkale asked WildOwen (Hazer) to record the fight in full. Just as Wildkale thought would happen, Grey Skirata sneaked forces into the 1v1 match and tried to get any with it. With all of these events recorded, they provided the video and proof of this corruption to the rest of the community that this is not the leader they want, or the leader they need. Through this, Sophia, Wildkale and all their supporters invited everyone immediately into the new server, and within 2 hours, they gained over 200 supporters for the new Mando Community. This community that changed how Star Wars servers would run and how the Star Wars community would operate all together, would be known as the True Mandos of VRChat with Sophia the Kond'alor, as the figure head, Wildkale as the Overseer, and all the original supporters as a reformed Mando Council.
The Reforged[]
The Eternal[]
The Omnipresent[]
Previously the Overseer for the True Mandos of VRChat, Wildkale ran the community along side Sophia the Kond'alor and rebuild the Star Wars community foundations as we know them today. Due to Sophia deciding to take her leave from VRChat and Social Media all together, Wildkale took a stand and then acted in line as the new Mandalor. During Wildkale's old Mando days, he was a member of the Vornskr Clan, the biggest clan at the time ran by Shadow Vornskr. Due to Wildkale's odd avatar ideas, discoveries and random nature, he was named by the Vornskr Clan as Wildkale the Omnipresent. Upon taking up the position of Mandalor almost a year and a half later, Wildkale adopted the name and was now known as Mandalor the Omnipresent, or just The Omnipresent for most people refereed to him as such. After awhile of running the True Mandos, Wildkale met Gland Vizla, for he ran the Mandalorian Creed, and they later merged their communities into one, forming the Mandalorians of VRChat.
The Tyrant[]
Dawn of the Shadow[]
The DeathWatch's Departing[]
The Shadow vs the DeathWatch[]
Soon, tensions rose from both sides as accusations flew through the air. During an event, the Deathwatch were accused of "poaching" members. Mand'alor the Shadow wished for them to be merged back into his ranks since he wanted a fully united Mandalore, yet the other didn't like how he did things and wished to do their own thing as a separate faction. Soon, Our Mand'alor called for the leader of Deathwatch to challenge him to see who was strongest: the rightful leader.
Instead, Inarius Saxon (the leader of Deathwatch) declined, and thus he was declared dishonorable and unfit to rule. Some Mandalorians didn't view it this way though, as the challenger was supposed to challenge the reining Mand'alor and not the other way around. This led to anti-Deathwatch posters being put up all around Keldabe Spaceport, which garnered more dislike and unease from people.
The Fall of the Shadow[]
As more and more people grew restless, they began to challenge the Mand'alor's position. This led to him stepping down and leaving the Mandalorian community, an act that was considered cowardly by many as they came under the rule of the Dutchess.
The Mandalorian Revolution[]
The Mandalorian Revolution began after former Mand'alor the Shadow stepped down from leadership. He passed it onto his partner, known as the Dutchess. Dutchess Vinity's reign was one of contempt and strife, as few accepted her as a leader. Soon she declared that she no longer had to follow the rules of challenging for the position of Mand'alor, and exiled any who opposed her. This led to the strongest choosing to rebuild and install a new person as Mand'alor.
The remaining Mandalorians were scattered, and some had no clue what even happened. It was the calling of some to offer them the path to the New Mandalorians, and to guide them to the new group. Now our numbers are equal to, if not larger than, the old group.
Rise of the Arbitrator[]
Mand'alor the Arbitrator, or Holt Skirata, is the current Mand'alor. He rose to power during the Mandalorian Revolution, being one of the few leaders who rebuilt the community from scratch. He is currently trying to make amends with the Deathwatch after what former Mand'alor the Shadow did, and is continuing to grow and better the community.
Though he originally appointed himself as Mand'alor out of necessity (Hence the name Arbitrator), Holt went on to create a system which the strongest shall rule. There are many forms of strength, and since being leader of the community requires strong leadership skills and a sturdy repertoire of commitment to the community, that is what the system became based on. By voting, the Mandalorian people officially solidified his place as Mand'alor.
Organizational Structure (In Ranked Order)[]
Mand'alor OR Leaders (In order of succession)[]
The role of the Mand'alor is to be the leader of the True Mandalorians. There is only one Mand'alor at a time, and are chosen through who has the strongest loyalty. One can challenge the Mand'alor for the throne, but they must have significantly contributed to the community and win the majority vote.
DJ (Mand'alor the First)
Enigma (Mand'alor the Father)
Grey Skirata (Mand'alor the New)
Sophia (Mand'alor the Kon'alor)
Arc (Mand'alor the Reforged)
Gland Vizla (Mand'alor the Eternal)
WildKale (Mand'alor the Omnipresent)
Various (Mand'alor the Tyrant)
Vile3D (Mand'alor the Shadow)
Vinity (Duchess)
Holt Skirata (Mand'alor the Arbitrator) (Current)
Past Challengers (In order of Challenges)[]
Once a Mand'alor has held his/her position for over 2 months, they are open to challenges from other members of the community who wish to claim the title as their own. The list of past challengers is as follows:
Tarus_the_god (Unsuccessful)
Holt Skirata (Unsuccessful)
Ryuuji (Unsuccessful)
Tarus_the_god (Unsuccessful)
Former Council Members (Mand'alor The Eternal Era)[]
NecrossPrism (Ryu'alor The Dragon)
Shadow Vornskr (Shad'alor)
WildKale (Foghorn Leg'alor / The Omnipresent)
WildBow (The Silent Soul)
Clan/House Leaders[]
These are the current clan and house leaders. They have the power to moderate their clan members, and set how their clan is run. The list is as follows:
Raven'ca Jahaala (House Jahaala).
Dan / Damman / Lord Scar (House of Scar)
NoMeds / The Twerking Dragon (House of Scar)
Zeus (House of Scar)
Shorty Saxon (Shadow Collective)
Gland Vizla (Clan Vizla)
Archie Solaris (Clan Solaris)
Holt Skirata (Clan Holt)
CV_Starkin (Clan Cin Vhentin)
Valen Drask (Clan Strixus)
Sir Jelly Bean (Clan Gjallarhorn)
Droz Storm (Clan Storm)
Bow (Clan Tervho)
Solar (Martyr Legion)
Enigma (Clan Skirata)
Clan/House Seconds[]
These are the current clan and house seconds. They have some power to help them moderate their clan members, and follow how the Clan Leaders say the clan is to be run. The list is as follows:
Bucket (House Jahaala
Fuzzbuzz (House Jahaala)
Guyser (House Jahaala)
Bobbyrot (House Jahaala)
Venom Vuug (House Jahaala)
Obi (House of Scar)
Lt.Trash (House of Scar)
4D (House of Scar)
Kira Vizla (Clan Vizla)
Racc (Clan Vizla)
Acid Marlin (Clan Holt)
CV_Sleepybandit (Clan Cin Vhetin)
Akaitogamin (Clan Storm)
WildKale (Clan Tervho)
Death Tervho (Clan Tervho)
Cccgrant (Martyr Legion)
I_amtactosa (Martyr Legion)
.short. (Clan Skirata)
Shadowtrooper (Clan Skirata)
Listed Current Eldars[]
The eldars are members who have been a part of the community for a very long time. Though they don't have any official power, they likely know more than newer members and thus are more wise when it comes to decisions. These are listed by username, in no particular order.
IAmNP / NecrossPrism
Holt Skirata
Rogue Mandalorian
Holt Skirata
Skotah Skirata
Kira Vizla
BHT Potato
Step Xelion
Houses are multiple clans that have decided to officially unite and share power. This can be for various reasons, and the current Houses are as follows:
House Jahaala
House of Scar (10 Clans, Formerly 14)
House Fenri
Shadow Collective
Clans are groups of 10 or more members who operate under the rule of the Mand'alor. They are headed by each clan's leader(s), and said leaders are responsible for their clan's behavior. The currently recognized clans are as follows:
Clan Vizla
Clan Solaris
Clan Holt
Clan Cin Vhetin
Clan Strixus
Clan Gjallarhorn
Clan Storm
Clan Tervho
Martyr Legion
Clan Skirata
VRC Photo Gallery[]
If you have any more information on the following that is not here at the moment (redacted stuff, fallen clans, ect) please reach out to warlord starkin (discord is cinvhetinstarkin) about any information because he is setting up a fallen history thing for the server. If you have any questions about the server on how to join you can also reach out to starkin.