VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

"*stares at ceiling* HEH" ― Swifterini

"Hello... HUH" ― Swifterini

Swifterini is a goofy VRChat player and Twitch streamer also known as MurderCrumpets scuffed "reverse clone".

Swift and Crumpet would form a fast friendship and she would join him in his various shenanigans, ploys and mischief.

Please remember that events described in this article are roleplay and acting. Actions done in-character do not reflect on the actual person portraying the character!


Being the clone of MurderCrumpet something went wrong during the cloning procedure and she ended up "different" and unique. Not that there is anything wrong with being different. She's rather perfectly unique.


She met Roflgator in a public Void Club wearing MurderCrumpets RP character avatar known as "Meek" aka "Cindy Lou" and was directly addressed as his reverse clone and questioned if she was a chick or a dude. Subsequently she and Crumpet would form a friendship.

Roflgator tried to wing-man her with KuriGames but after trying his horrible pickup-game he rejected her for Fizzis "enchanting voice". She went on a strange date with Tramear who was looking for a rebound after reportedly having broken up with his girlfriend. After a quick interaction in The Royal Gator bathroom they decided to go separate ways.

She was match-maked by Meech with Ruggerbuns aka Psychologys clone on April 26th, thinking both being clones they could possibly be a good match. Ruggerbuns first being introduced to her at The Black Cat he admitted to admiring her for her E-girl voice but didn't take them seriously beyond that. It didn't work out.

Having had poor luck so far in the relationship department on April 29th 2020 she participated in The Royal Gator Date Night matched with Psychology and they won the competition. Maybe her luck is turning around?

On May 9th she attended Late Night with Rebel in his interview talk-show together with TheBigMeech, Mute Max, S0ra, MurderCrumpet, Valco and Wimchimp.

At the start of TheBigMeechs stream on May 23rd 2020, she debuted a new custom avatar created by Sorry donning a pink frilly dress. She queried MurderCrumpet if she could change her lore from clone to long-lost sister, which Crumpet (in twitch chat) accepted.


  • Some think that she sounds like MurderCrumpet and has been referred to as his reverse-clone, being female.
  • She loves the singer and song-writer Taylor Swift and chose her name inspired by her.
  • She does a good E-girl voice impression.
  • She's actually a decent singer - when she makes the effort to do so, which is rare.
  • Meech finds her deep chuckling laughter funny.
  • She's often found staring up at the ceiling, sky or whatever catches her focus.


External Links[]

Twitch Clips[]

