VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

Reinhold is a large Academy City and the most prestigious member of the Maxim Agreement. Due to it's massive size, Reinhold is split into five districts: Central, North, South, East, and West. Within those districts are multiple sub-districts with their own identities. Reinhold is home to a multitude of factions, including but not limited to: The Reinhold Military, The Reinhold Wardens, and The Carbillos.

Districts and Locations[]

Central District[]

Council Representative: Councilwoman Verrona Syrae
The Central subdistricts are the Harbor District and the Administration District.

Warden Candidate Academy (WCA)[]

Location: Harbor
Principal: Valdris Alphyn

Central Hall[]

Location: Administration

Reinhold Central Hospital[]

Location: Central
Employees: Raina Grenvale & Layonni

Reinhold Chronicle[]

Location: Harbor
Employees: Horo Logium and Genesis Grey

Central Library[]

Location: Administration

Central Military Outpost[]

Location: Administration

Cameron's Commodities[]

Location: Central
Owner: Cameron

Forge Front[]

Location: Central
Owner: Carguk

Clothing Boutique[]

Location: Harbor
Owner: Stitch

The Ward Inn[]

Location: Central

The Ward-Inn

Storefront in the Central square.

As the name implies, the Ward Inn is a popular convening spot for locals in the Central District. The first floor is the dining hall, known for selling hearty meals and a boatloads of alcohol. The second floor is where the lodging is located. A handful of rooms are available for any travelers passing through the city. Arthur Brandt's family owns the establishment. Arthur, with help from Lenry Stormgaze, tend to the inn and their patrons.

Candidate Dormitory[]

Location: Central
The Candidate Dormitory is a three story building housing the candidates and some of the Professors and Wardens. The first floor is where the facilities are. These include a kitchen, mess hall, training room, bathroom, lockers, shower room, soaking pools, and a storage closet.

The second floor is where the Candidates' dormitories are.

The third floor is reserved for the Professors and Wardens living quarters.

Central Train Station[]

Location: Central

Western District[]

Council Representative: Councilman Mars Carbillo
The Entertainment District is one of the Western subdistricts.

Carbillo Headquarters[]

Location: Western

Bad Luck Bakery[]

Location: Western

Bad Luck Bakery


"May your bad luck fly away!"

Ran by Biscotti Bisque and his adorable sister, Bun, Bad Luck Bakery is a cornerstone to Western Reinhold. Mischief Macarons, Catbread, and Tea Dunkers are staples amongst the vast assortment of baked goods they prepare each morning. If you do stop by, please make sure you leave room for their daily special!

Mystic Wonders and Common Oddities General Store[]

Location: Western

MWCO General Store


Owned by the gracious Wiktor Kowak, Mystic Wonders and Common Oddities is the Western District's local grocer. They specialize in foods and household essentials. Wiktor also dabbles in alchemy. So upon request, a customer can purchase specific ingredients and basic alchemical supplies.


Location: Western


Location: Western
Bellheim is an apartment complex.

The Jazz Bar[]

Location: Entertainment
Owner: The Carbillos

The Casino[]

Location: Entertainment

The Reinhold Theatre[]

Location: Entertainment
Employees: Zephine

Imelda Antique Shop[]

Location: Entertainment

Reinhold Fighter Association[]

Location: Entertainment

Northern District[]

Council Representative: Councilman Alphyn

The Maxim Tower[]


The Basement[]

Colloquially called "The Basement" as it is literally under the Maxim Tower in Northern Reinhold. It houses criminals from across the Maxim Agreement who committed crimes not heinous enough to be immediately put to death, but dangerous enough that prison makes more sense for them.
The biggest thing is that there is no sunlight. The facility is hot and damp all the time, being near the engine at the core of the city. Everyone gets their own cell but they are tiny. Just enough space to get into bed. Bed is like stone with a thin mattress and very uncomfortable. Most of the prisoner's time would be spent in the Recycling Center. Located a level above where all the trash gets refurbished into new things.
In terms of staffing, there are two Wardens on duty with a collection of Elite Soldiers who are on guard at all times and are rather harsh with all prisoners.[1]

Eastern District[]

Council Representative: Councilman Urdie/Erdie/Erdy (?)

Southern District[]

Council Representative: Councilwoman Blackburn (?)

Outside the Walls[]


? = Unsure spelling
  1. Description provided by Oblivious & Lulu/Blacknightte