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This article is an archive of the old version of this book. Information within may no longer be canon to the Ascension Academy Roleplay. Please refer to the Ascension Academy Classes page for an updated catalog of books.

Notable Figures of Aldoria[]

As all within Aldoria know, the Aldorian Royal Guard acts as the very hands of the King himself, expected to obey his commands to the letter, exemplifying military service, and are hand-picked by the current commanding officer or Lord Commander.

These men and women are expected to be proficient in their weapons, top of their regiments, and unmatched in loyalty. In times of civil unrest, the Aldorian Royal Guard's only concern was the protection and safeguarding of the King and the royal family. This is indisputably the highest honor for an elf within the military, and it is highly respected.

There are many Aldorian Royal Guards that have served the Crown, and all have remained in service until released by the King himself, or a fatality. It is not often that a member of the Guard leaves this service, and when they do, even more rarely so, is it ever because of anything regarded as unprofessional. However, unfortunately, these things tend to happen, even within an order as honorable and prestigious as this.

The exception to this prestigious history was in regards to an elf referred to as the Swordmaster of Caslaur.

Born in the city of Caslaur, to a minor family, the Swordmaster was an elf who rose through the ranks of Aldoria's military at impressive speed. He was not known as a tactician, but more as an exemplary warrior, one who could hold his own against multiple foes, and be victorious.

Over time, through his military service, the Swordmaster found himself challenged time and time again by some of the best regarded duelists within the Aldorian Kingsguard.

He would impress onlookers with his ability to wield a heaver blade one-handed, using the weight of the blade itself to increase the dexterity of his swings and parries, essentially allowing the sword to do all the work, at the expense of gravity.

His skill became somewhat legendary at this point within the ranks of his own unit, and he was often found being sent out on forays against threats to his homeland.

The Swordmaster, having served in prior wars involving his people, was well versed in his weapon of choice, By the year 1766, he was referred to as 'Swordmaster' officially, and was inducted into the Aldorian Royal Guard, serving as one of the King's protectors, and personal soldiers.

Soon after, the decorated veteran went on to establish a volunteer Ranger regiment, called the 'Wicker Legion'. This regiment was an all-volunteer group of around one hundred and fifty-two elves within the Kingsguard, stationed within 3 newly erected forts along the Mournwood Mountains. These forts, Lefnas, Tirion, and Escasari, were manned and used to launch defense attacks against the wicker beasts that trickled in from the far side of the mountains, using the narrow passes and cave systems to move undetected.

The Wicker Legion, founded and trained by the Swordmaster in 1767, would wind up guarding the mountains and successfully keeping the wicker beasts at bay for over 14 years.

However, the Swordmaster of Caslaur was not to remain. For reasons of madness and lunacy, the once respected and admired Aldorian Royal Guard slew the Lord Commander of his unit in single combat. In a calm manner, the disgraced elf then quickly proceeded to try and make his way into the sealed Royal Chambers before he was apprehended, in a surprisingly peaceful manner. This act of treason was a source of confusion, as the Swordmaster has always displayed integrity, aptitude, and loyalty.

Brought before the King, he was found guilty of murder, but mercy was shown as it was believed the once good soldier had succumbed to madness. He was instead exiled from Aldoria, his family name stipped, along with all ranks and honors as is customary of a high offense.

What happened to the Swordmaster of Caslaur is widely unknown after that, but it was ensured that the name Faelinthaal was never to be spoken upon Aldorian soil again.

