VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

Who is Niam Deirdre?[]

Professor Niam Deirdre is a Professor who joined Ascension Academy halfway through Year Three. He attended Sehurst Academy in Eios for his first year of education before securing a transfer to Faltavius Institute for his final three years. He was a part of the Exchange Program at Faltavius, which allowed him to take several special courses at Ascension Academy with the Academy's Beast Master. Following his graduation, he served in C.R.O.S.S for roughly ten years, before spending a few more serving in Ancestra as a researcher and advisor.

History and Lore[]

To be revealed

Powers and Abilities[]

Calm Animals[]

A touch based spell that allows Niam to calm animals and even give them directions if he has a strong enough rapport with them. The temperament of the creature dictates how effective this spell is. This is not a charm, it is simply a way to mentally communicate very basic emotions to them.

Amulet of the Wilds[]

An amulet and focus, shaped like the head of an Owlbear. Carved from Elm Wood and trimmed in thick Silver, with black Hematite gems as eyes. This Amulet has 3 modes, indicated by a different symbol that appears over Niam's chest for each: Speed, Strength, and Sense. Only one can be active at a time.


  • Niam has been seen frequently taking power naps in odd spots on campus.
  • He has never turned down the chance to grab food, and feasts every dinner.
  • Because he attended the campus previously in the exchange program, Niam does have a student file on record still in the Admin offices.


