Metaverse, or "The Metaverse", is the name given to the primary Roleplay setting of VRChat as a whole. Most Roleplays take place within the Metaverse unless specified otherwise. The term is borrowed from the many-worlds interpretation and multiverse description in quantum physics.
The Metaverse is a collection of alternate realities, called worlds, linked together in a large web via arcane, natural, and technological means such as portals. These links allow travel freely and fairly inexpensively between worlds, leading to a large melding pot of species, cultures, sciences, technologies, and magics. The 'center' of the Metaverse is an alternate Earth that is larger and features several additional 'lost continents', referred to as the Polestar.
The Universal Date in the Metaverse is synced with the Polestar- being the real life year + 400. So in 2022, the date in the Metaverse is 2422. Time passes linearly and at the same rate as real life to keep time tracking simple.
- Metaverse Lore - An article collecting and going into detail about Metaverse related lore.
- Metaverse - A page discussing the setting of the Metaverse as a whole.
- Metaverse RP - A page that details the broader Metaverse RP, such as chronology and involved groups.
- The History of the World - Lays out the entire currently known timeline of the Metaverse and lays out some basic overarching concepts that impact this timeline.
- Zaphira City News - A page that catalogs News Reports, from the in-universe Zaphira City News.
- Zaphira City - The primary setting for most Metaverse Roleplay, a massive city on the prime planet in the Metaverse.