VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

Who's Kweh (IRL)?[]

Kweh is a streamer of Twitch who acts not too far from her counterpart persona in VRChat. Kweh also has a fondness for Goldfish Crackers, Capri Sun, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, singing and cosplay.

Who's Kwehzy?[]

Kwehzy is a friendly, nice and fun loving individual who has a known fondness for Goldfish Crackers and will always carry a pack on her. She will also be willing to share her crackers, from time-to-time.


In the RP (Of The Chipz RP) Kwehzy met Chipz and Nuts after their wedding and had some complications between her and Nuts, as Nuts expressed some ill will toward Kwehzy, because Kwehzy was getting close with Chipz. Although, with time, Kwehzy eventually became better acquainted with Nuts, as Kwehzy also became friends with Nuts, Chipz, Roflgator, Tess, Monika and Vigor, in the process of going through random adventures and games.

As time carried on, when the ship of #Nipz (Nuts and Chipz) had sunk, Chipz then accidentally created a harem, which involved Kwehzy, Folkona and Moximox. In the harem, there wasn't an aggressive competition, as Kwehzy treated Folkona and Moximox as good friends. Kwehzy also eventually started dating Chipz (RP) and, slowly, the steadily building ship of #Kwipz had finally set sailed, while it was competing with Chipz's dating of Moximox (RP), and the ship of #Mipz. Although, with some time given, Kwehzy and Chipz eventually separated as the harem fell apart and Kwehzy chose to go her own way.

In more modern time, Kwehzy now hangs with a new main group of friends, as they explore, have adventures and generally hang out, while having fun, in the world of VRChat.

Why Goldfish Crackers?[]

Kwehzy Twitch Profile Pic

Why not?

WIKI: Does anyone know if she is sponsored?


  • Kwehzy's signature snack is Goldfish Crackers.
  • It's been discovered that Kwehzy and Tess have similar voices.
  • Kwehzy really likes Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
  • Kwehzy once cried from the beauty of the song, "Simple & Clean, from Kingdom Hearts 1", when she heard it being sung by Chipz in VRChat.
  • On top of liking Goldfish Crackers, Kwehzy also likes Capri Sun Pouches.
  • Kwehzy likes to sing (and Cosplay in IRL).


