Kuroi is an Ascension Academy student. He is very small in comparison with the rest of his classmates, but seems to be very smart. On the day of the student's arrival, he woke up near the Academy with strange symbols on his hands...
Please remember that events described in this article are roleplay and acting. Actions done in-character do not reflect on the actual person portraying the character! |
Kuroi knowing little about himself has asked for help from all the teachers at Ascension Academy to help him find out about the symbols on his hands.
After competing during the races for squad placements Kuroi appears to become stressed and runs off alone and explodes (Stream Date June 6th, 2019). He experiences a second explosion within the view of Headmaster Kareeda Akyama and members of Ardent Veil the next class day (Stream Date June 8th, 2019).
Powers and Abilities[]
Self-Destruct? - Kuroi seems to explode when put under extreme stress.
- The symbols on his hands seem to resemble "The Leviathan Cross"
- He mentioned being at "the right height level for all the panties" and was jokingly accused by Chipz of being a "panty thief". Instead of denying it exclaimed "What!" and ran away. Once Esmae overheard this started a rumor of someone actually stealing panties, quickly spreading with both Kuroi and Chipz being accused.
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/burning_seas
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SeaBurning
- Drawbacks (or benefits?) of being short
- Kuroi Explodes
- Second Explosion
- Kuroi overheard and caught imitating Madame Minerva