VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

What is the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe?[]

The Kaiserliche Luftwaffe served as an air service company within the Kaiserliche Armee of the Imperial Waifu Army. It an its forces would eventually evolve into the Luftwaffe of the Waifuwehr. In its prime, the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe hosted Fallschirmjäger (Paratroopers) and Pilots.


In terms of the general history of the community, the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe was created as another new branch of service for members to participate in, similar to the addition of the Kaiserliche Marine. This time, people would finally be able to conquer the skies as pilots and paratroopers.

In lore, the Kaiserliche Luftwaffe was responsible for providing air support when and wherever possible to forces on the ground. Those within its forces were held to a high standard, always striving to be better after each flight they took.

Notable Members[]

