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VRChat Legends Wiki

This article is an archive of the old version of this book. Information within may no longer be canon to the Ascension Academy Roleplay. Please refer to the Ascension Academy Classes page for an updated catalog of books.

Chromatic Glass[]

Chromatic Glass is an important invention back in 1965. With its help, prisons across many kingdoms were able to start housing prisoners with magical abilities. Before the creation of Chromatic Glass, prisoners usually received much harsher punishments such as lobotomizing or intercesion. One method would prevent a caster from casting magic ever again, and lobotomizing would reduce the mental or emotional capacity or ability to function. Chromatic Glass allows a prison to bind its prisoners to the glass so all their magic is forced to flow through it. Due to the impure nature and chaos of the glass, this causes the magic to be defused.

Chromatic Glass in Dungeon

Chromatic Glass being used in a dungeon

Chromatic Glass is made by taking sand and creating glass but ignoring the process of filtering the sand for impurities. The second part is melting in an Attunement Crystal that has been crushed. Finally the glass is put into slabs and chunks that are broken off and chiseled into shape. The shape doesn’t matter as long as there is enough material to defuse the magic.


In order to bind someone to Chromatic Glass, a magic user skilled in Conjuration is needed to perform the binding spell. Some prisons are known to outsource the need for a conjuror by purchasing spell scrolls or focuses with trap magic pre-casted on them. To remove the binding, one must be over a mile away from the Chromatic Glass for more than 4 hours.

The Glasses is only effective within a few yards of the Chromatic Glass depending on the strength of the conjurer’s binding.


  • Chromatic Glass became surprisingly popular to the point where there is even a character in the Ascension universe called Chromatic Glass Chan
    • Multiple fanart pieces has been made of her, some of which Chipz even has as posters around his room.
  • Due to the popularity of the chromatic glass meme StealthRG chad made a meme video about the "origin" of Chromatic Glass: Youtube video Link