VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

Please remember that events described in this article are roleplay and acting. Actions done in-character do not reflect on the actual person portraying the character!


Bobken Zavakian is a human that was born in the Upper City under quite shady means. This almost caused him to be sent to the lower districts of living with a family who was not well off. Due to the high stakes of being outcased from higher society Bobken had a constant fear of failure. Fortunately he found himself becoming quite the academic mind after a mentor decided to take him under her tutelage. Although she was not of this world he became a professor due to his advances and rigorous studies.

This marked the beginning of his successful career. He went on to network with the science community and publish research. He innovated in the areas of statistics and data analysis. Word about him traveled throughout the city. He was then approached by business members of the higher corporations for possible job opportunities due to his success as a professor.

Bobken Zavakian now works for Sonitii as a logistics manager and data analyst. He is referred to as "Mr. B" by his coworkers. He organizes shipping routes between corps while managing the massive data required for some of Sonitii's operations. He also researches new transportation tech for the corp. He’s been climbing the corporate ranks ever since. He doesn’t enjoy it nearly as much as teaching, but the job has its benefits.

However, due to his position, he has gotten extremely wary of those who may threaten his peaceful life. People who possess cybernetic enhancements are always suspicious and he treads very carefully amongst them. Anyone who is technically adept, he sees as a potential security threat. Anything that can get in the way of his data security is dealt with cautiously.

His goals are simple: Keep working hard and live comfortably. As he was once a professor, he aims to pass down his research to curious learners within the corp. He strives to create a world where people can have their needs delivered to them in seconds. He also refuses to believe in magic.



  • Major - (Information Extraction): Can track the goods and transport of things that use Sonitii brand travel.
  • Minor - (Remote Access PC-Glasses): High tech glasses that allow for fast research, data management, and limited light projection.
  • Minor - (Artistic Ability Adept): Can design/diagnose schematics and blueprints for transportation technology.


  • Major - (Data Theft Paranoia) Deathly paranoid of robotics/synthetic life out of fear of data theft or corruption, is displeased by synths, and refuses to wear cybernetics.
  • Minor - (Magical Refusal): Refuses to believe in magic and is convinced it's a type of biological science or engineering.
  • Minor - (Mild Insomnia): Unhealthy lack of sleep due to overworking.


  • Comfort is King: Believes that the key to success lies in comfort and that hard work in the present will provide easy-going futures for others. Will sacrifice comfort for very few exceptions.
  • Passing Down Knowledge: Due to his past as a professor, Bobken strives to teach his colleagues and curious learners to better the future generations.
  • Efficiency Above All: Desires to make a future were everyone can have their wants at the snap of their fingertips! Faster and more improved forms of transportation are key for a more connected and accessible world.


  • Sonitii Success - Successfully networked with a wide variety of individuals, allowing him to climb up the ranks within the corp. Developed new and efficient techniques of transportation
  • Imposter-No-More - Is very confident in his strengths and does not fear failure anymore. Published peer-reviewed research, innovating in the fields of data science and analysis.


  • Meek Muscled - Has never put in any effort to be physically fit or trained. He has accepted his weak aspects but never considered putting in the effort to change them.
  • Workaholic - His drive for work has ruined his chances at a normal life. He puts his career on top of his mental well being. He may be comfortable physically, but his mind is constantly under pressure.

Important Developments[]

  • After experiencing the soothing magic Vessa casted on him, he began developing feelings for her.
  • A troublemaking spirit has gotten in his head, causing Woto cubes around him to speak to him in menacing ways and haunt him. This is causing arcane powers (emotional magic [mind / toxin]) to manifest within him over time. He still does not believe in magic.
  • Currently, the following magic cannot be cast intentionally. His emotions trigger these to occur depending on the situation.
  • Magic Capabilities (Arcana 1):
    • Cantrip: Poison Spray - Poisonous liquid leaks / projects from his hands.
    • Ritual: Commune - Can communicate with his deity, the spirit in the Woto cube, and ask questions after 1 minute of concentration.
    • Single-Use: Blindness / Deafness - On a failed constitution saving throw, a chosen target within 30ft is blinded or deafened for a short duration.


Social Links[]



"Welcome to Speedy Sonitii! We move things from point A to point B!"[]

Episode #1:[]

  • Aided in forming an alliance with Mars, Atlantis, and partially Talaris to begin Deep Space exploration.
  • Worked with Woto and Mars to provide transport for the Mars tournament.
  • Is seeking and receiving treatment from Nirvana for Fear Medication (catered toward synthetic life)

Episode #2:[]

  • Devised a plan for two separate Deep Space exploration journeys.
  • Partnered with Dagu to advertise the Sonitii Corporation in the Wasteland Tournament.
  • Provided Dagu an opportunity to attend the second Deep Space exploration journey.

"Onward to the infinity of Presidency!"[]

Episode #3:[]

  • Attended the meeting of the corporate board to discuss the temporary position of presidential power.
  • Increased the transportation fee of vehicles moving to and from the Wasteland.
  • Dropped seeking treatment from Nirvana for Fear Medication.
  • Discussed business plans and compensation with Dagu's employer (Reyna Rider) about future Sonitii partnerships.
  • Summoned a High Threat Response team (Lead by Ian Carthwright Du Pont) during a Sonitii breach of work.
  • Filed a Missing Person/Kidnapping of Ellek Myth who was later found at Sonitii HQ.
  • Furthered plans with Talaris using Riley Knox to potentially hire Calliope Keres for the first Deep Space Exploration.

Episode #4:[]

  • Held a meeting with Mars to aid with Wasteland transport.
  • Held a meeting with Nirvana to supply medical vehicles and transport for fast and safe healthcare.
  • Held a meeting with Reyna Rider and Dash Spacer to further the Sonitii partnership in the row by providing affordable vehicles and Drivers License tests.
  • Offered a deal with Dash Spacer to aid Dagu with the Deep Space exploration operation.
  • Discovered the identity of the Sonitii breacher after intel was gained from Ian Carthwright and Ellek Myth.
  • Attended a meeting with Atlantis to speak with Miss Money about Mey Money's form of glamourous transportation.

"Sonitii - We drive your work!"[]

Episode #5:[]

  • Attended a mini Union meeting about producing a 5 min video detailing what Sonitii has accomplished so far.
  • Held a Sonitii meeting to establish connections with Undercity and sent Blayne into Union.
  • Received a disk of recorded piracies from the Outer Rim from the Head of the Galactic Board (June Levings).
  • Had a meeting with Atlantis to receive intel about a Green Wasteland Corp assassin and cleared up the Mey transport mix-up.
  • Established a notice broadcast with Conrad to publicize the 25% cut from a cargo's product stock price with the new Sonitii Wasteland tariff.
  • Was attacked by rogue Nirvana Hugbots that held Mr.C hostage in exchange for credits.
  • Reported the Hugbot attack along with Atlantis and Talaris to get the issue resolved with Nirvana.
  • Discussed with Dash about what Nirvana's scheme might be in The Row.
  • Joined in a detailed briefing with Talaris about the Sonitii breach, future business partnerships in the Wasteland, and the protection of the Talaris worker Norman Flint.
  • Took part in a "meeting" with Ricket and V about potentially joining Sonitii as workers.

Episode #6:[]

  • Got a Nirvana gift card from redeemed Hugbots.
  • Chatted with Rebecca about Sonitii's transport and new Wasteland tariff.
  • Received a Woto Cube and 3,000 credits from Mr. Myth to make amends.
  • Attended and left the early portion of the Quixote gathering due to high synthetic activity.
  • Held a meeting with Kee'ra Diamond to atone for Sonitii's past harsh treatment and offered a deal to protect Gloop from other corporations.
  • Held a meeting with Dash, Myth, and Ian to further develop plans for rentable places for free driving lessons in the Row.
  • Asked Dash to talk to Kee'ra about Sonitii aid with the Singing Competition.
  • Listened to Conrad's Atlantis News Broadcast on Dash's phone that featured the Sonitii Wasteland Tariff.

Episode #7:[]

  • Chatted with Cornelius to discuss how Sonitii can aid the Undercity.
  • Got a visit from Nadia to discuss Sonitii's Singing Competition sponsorship, but was delegated to Dash after a surprise visit from Rook and Faye.
  • Made a deal with Rook to clear Faye's crime if intel was given that was important to Sonitii and a possible use of Faye's hacking abilities if need be.
  • The intel given described someone from Atlantis with long hair was stealing information from Sonitii.
  • Reconvened with Dash about the meeting with Nadia and how her hasty behavior to leave follows up with the intel from Rook.
  • The intel was analyzed by Myth and found out to be bugged but self-destructed soon after.
  • A small lead about a potential Sonitii worker clone was brought up in a meeting with Myth.
  • Attended a surprise visit from Talaris and was told by Damien how they should recall Sonitii ships to avoid major losses.
  • The meeting with Talaris was interrupted by an unknown assailant with a wide-brimmed hat. They killed all HTR guards that were present. Damien followed them into the lobby to attempt to stop them, but the assailant reappeared alone, shooting Myth in the ribs, and Calliope in the stomach. They burned Bobken’s hand in an apparent attempt to steal his identity, then got into a shooting match with Blayne. The assailant was interrupted by Myth, shooting him from below 3 times, and retaliated with a point blank shot in the chest. The assailant then left the office through the window. Bobken and Riley made a run for the door, unsure if the threat was gone.
  • Made it to the lobby, and asked Damien and Vee for reinforcements.
  • Visited Myth after the invasion to discover he was wounded with gun shots, but survived and was on medication from Nirvana.
  • Sat with Atlantis to discuss the aftermath of the attack on Sonitii.
  • Invited the previously discharged Myth back to Nirvana after Miss Money insisted.
  • Informed Blayne to remove Bobken's Fingerprint authentication from all Sonitii systems.

Episode #8:[]

  • Had a discussion with Myth and Dash about Sonitii's presence in the Row, Wasteland, Dirty Diamond, and potentially holding an Arena Match for another advertisement.
  • Ordered a Sonitii Guard to construct Woto Cube Pyramids.
  • Got a surprise visit from Rebecca about the attack on Sonitii. She said she was sent by the Union, but they didn't invite her inside.
  • Was approached by Faye as she came to the Uppercity for potential work and to regain her sniper rifle and "Rebel Yell".
  • Called Atlantis to schedule a meeting at Sonitii HQ to discuss the events of the attack and Rook's information.
  • Held a meeting with Kee'ra and her ladies about the Atlantis Idol Competition and a potential Sonitii sponsorship.
  • Received calming magic from Vessa to reduce Bobken's stress.
  • Witnessed a live performance from Cleo at the Sonitii HQ.
  • Talked with Ryder about repairing her damaged shop and strategized a potential Wasteland Sonitii Race to improve public opinion.
  • Talked with Atlantis discreetly (all computers turned off). Atlantis revealed they had been blackmailed by someone called the "Brass King"- apparently, in exchange for not revealing Atlantis secrets, they were to bring Myth to the Old Cake Shop in the Row. What would happen if they did so remains unclear, but the intention seemed nefarious. Atlantis and Sonitii decided to work together against a common enemy, instead of letting themselves be turned against one another.
  • Gained a new Sonitii worker, Nina!
  • Held a celebration party with Sonitii and Conrad at the Dirty Diamond.
  • Ordered Submissive Strawberry from the bar and was charmed by Kee'ra to further relax and sleep at the Dirty Diamond.

"All Hands on Deck!"[]

Episode #9:[]

  • Was tested for STDs by Dash at the Row clinic.
  • Visited Callous Row's arena for a potential driving instruction area.
  • Issued a deal with A.L.Ex. to purchase the arena to make it into a driving course along with a shooting range.
  • Met with the new Treasury for Sonitii Dr. H and caught them up to speed with Sonitii's ongoings.
  • Recommended Jimothy to the "Bobken Book Club".
  • Got a noodle delivery and therapy wave session from Vessa.
  • Was stashed in the Dirty Diamond to avoid gang activity in the Row and witnessed a dance from Cleo.

Episode #10:[]

  • Was given a debrief of the on goings of Sonitii while Bobken worked at the data fields.
  • Met with the new Sonitii PR member Crocolols.
  • Invited Vessa over for a sleepover in Bobken's Uppercity apartment with a Soniti Guard.

Episode #11:[]

  • Escorted Vessa back to the Row while handing her two Mars quality guns to protect the Dirty Diamond.
  • Met with Joya Amberloft the new Sonitii receptionist.
  • Attended a Sonitii meeting discussing a collaboration with Woto to capture an alien infector in the Wasteland.
  • Given orders from Ellek to recall any unmanned Outer Rim ships due to risk of spreading infection.
  • Had a meeting with Nirvana to supply transportation for their Undercity and Row supply.
  • Tasked by Ellek to create blueprints for both a battleship to combat the wasteland infection and also evacuation ships for any necessary escape for waste landers.
  • Taught Nina how to run a Warpgate Diagnostic from the Sonitii Database.
  • Accidentally dropped the Shadow Crystal Ellek ordered from Talaris into the Sonitii Storage System without knowledge of how to get it out and created a coverup story of a drone dropping it off the Uppercity by mistake.
  • Found out the Shadow Crystal was properly stored after Ellek demonstrated the proper use of the Sonitii Storage System.
  • Held a meeting with Dash and his boss Dr. Universe about the recent Sonitii affiliation with Nirvana goods.
  • Received news about the Wasteland's synthetic shootout uprising issues and placed the ships that were heading there on hold.
  • Went to Nirvana to inspect a sample of the requirements needed for the shipment to the Undercity and Row.
  • Sent a High Threat Response team to a sudden issue at the Sonitii labs.
  • Invited several Uppercity workers and Vessa for an after work part at his apartment.
  • Was offered a psychologist analysis by Noble Lehmann.
  • Got a calming session from Vessa while slow dancing to music at the after work party.

"Always Moving"[]

Episode #12:[]

  • Woke up from the apartments with Noble, Vessa, Nina, Mr. Myth, Dr. H and scheduled an appointment with Noble at Nirvana.
  • Got Ian's contact number to hand to Alice while on the way to the appointment with Noble.
  • Witnessed an apparition in front of Atlantis and fell unconscious after it shrieked.
  • Awoken with a mysterious tick to say "Titan" when speaking.
  • Was treated by Dr. Sallie Lune at Nirvana about the "Titan" issue.
  • Was put under by Dr. Lune and awoke to no memory of the "Titan" affliction.
  • Met up with Mr. Myth and Blayne at Nirvana to head to Sonitii HQ.
  • Was ordered by Myth to close all warpgates after hearing the news about Titan.
  • Met up with Blayne at Woto during a break and was recommended to visit Vessa to possibly get with her.
  • Had a chat with Miss. Money about their views on synthetics and the recent zombie rumors.
  • Helped escort a doctor with robotic spider legs(Dr. Rowan) out towards the Sonitii Shuttles.
  • Conversed with two Quixote workers who were lounging in the Sonitii courtyard due to a Row shuttle malfunction.
  • Received a notification for something inside the apartments to find a delivery bot incapacitated in reset mode.
  • Got visited by Simon who had important intel from Woto about the recent zombie rumor.
  • Went to the Row wot take a break with Ian, Dr. H, Crocolols, Joya, Mr. Myth, and the new delivery bot.
  • Met up with Locket and her acquaintance in the Row and had her tag along while visiting the Dirty Diamond.
  • After hearing gunshots in the Row the group along with Locket fled back to the Upper City.
  • Once in the Sonitii Offices Ian came to inform the company of a dangerous terrorist in the Row named Loch.
  • Headed to Mr. Myth's apartment for a party to spend the night.

Episode #14:[]

  • Attended a short Sonitii morning meeting about the upcoming Union meeting.
  • Was escorted to Union Tower by a Sonitii guard (Timmy) and Blayne.
  • Was debriefed on the Titan issue and the mulitcorp plan to retrieve a Golden Lance sample at the Union corp board meeting.
  • Was approached by Dr. Lune to check if any Titan symptoms are still within Bobken.
  • Went to Nirvana with Dr. H for the Titan checkup.
  • Convinced Dr. Lune to keep a Woto Cube on their desk.
  • Myth recited the events of Nirvana's involvement with Bobken when he was infected with Titan's nanites.
  • Welcomed the next Sonitii employee: Allen Spears.
  • Was alerted from a Quioxte worker (Thomas Reed) about a Sonitii delivery bot having the Titan virus at the front gate.
  • Had a meeting at Atlantis with Blayne, Myth, and Conrad about supplying Internet hardware in exchange for news coverage and broadcasting for the VirtuNet.
  • Headed to the Row with a HTR guard (Rick) and Myth to find clues about a person with high synthetic experience in the Wasteland.
  • Stopped by the Dirty Diamond to ask the Bartenders for clues and to catch up.
  • Met up with Dash and Dr. Universe then grouped up in the Sonitii Row HQ to get a debrief on row and corporate issues.

"Welcome to the Book Club!"[]

Episode #15:[]

  • Went into the dim Sonitii offices to attend the morning meeting with Ellek, Dr. H, Blayne, Jimothy, and Sheila.
  • Learned that Mr. Myth has an early date with April Levings.
  • Had Jimothy escorted back to the Row with Coach and Johnny who came to take him back.
  • Walked with Dr. H to Nirvana to get his medication and request Dr. Lune's availability.
  • Met up with Dr. Constantine to give a drop of blood to figure out if Mr.B's hair is naturally Blue.
  • Went to Atlantis to request for Max, but met with Sheila and Ian to sign an autograph and have a drink.
  • Ian gave early access to Dr. H and Bobken to see a preview of the Atlantis 20th anniversary Savior Idol Gala.
  • Went to Quioxte to find Locket guarding the gates and formally asked her to join the Book Club.
  • Took the shuttle to Mars to potentially invite Korgak, but is visited instead by a large Woto Cube who communed with Bobken.
  • Tasked Nina with finding Korgak and ask him to join the Book Club.
  • Was visited by Dr. Lune after receiving the message and was invited to the Book Club.
  • Headed towards Union Tower with Mr. Myth and a Sonitii security guard to investigate the lightning bolt that struck.
  • Was evaluated my a fulled armored person named Sir Polka and was offered a message while Bobken gave a Book Club offering.
  • Polka was later escorted to the Sonitii Level Shuttle to return to his homeland.
  • Asked a Sonitii Guard to help construct a Woto Cube pyramid for the Book Club.
  • Started crafting minor hallucinogens to inject into the Woto Cubes for the Book Clubs entrée.
  • Headed to Atlantis to request for Max again, but to not avail and spoke with Ian instead.
  • Sought out Korgak at Mars again, but couldn't find him and managed to run into Blayne, Enzo, and Johnny.
  • Headed down to the Row to visit Vessa with Johnny and Blayne.
  • Found Max and invited him to the Book Club while also informing the Dirty Diamond ladies about the Atlantis Gala.
  • Returned to Sonitii apartment 2 for the Book Club and held the first official meeting with: Jimothy, Dr. H, Max, Dr. Lune, and  Dr. Röntgen.

Episode #16:[]

  • Arrived at Sonitii HQ to meet a new Union worker at the front gate named Rhapsoidia.
  • Attended the Sonitii morning meeting that addressed Blayne's current mission with Vee in the Wasteland and Sonitii's approach to the mushroom folk in the Undercity.
  • Had a private discussion with Myth about the events of the Book Club and the ongoing of the "wasteland genius boy" hunt.
  • Chatted with Vessa preshow about the unfortunate circumstance of her dress delivery and giving her a pep talk.
  • Saw the new party outfits for Dr. H, Nina, and Myth during the Gala.
  • Received unfortunate news about Blayne getting critically injured and a Kee'ra issue in the wasteland during the Mey performance.
  • Took two Sonitii guards (one being Timmy) and Dr. H to the wasteland in attempts to aid Blayne.
  • Discovered that Blayne was moved to a better clinic in the Row and quickly left to find him.
  • Found Blayne at the Gala to catch up with each others stories and confirmed the mission was a success.
  • Met up with Dr. Lune after the Gala was finished to have their discussion, but Bobken quickly headed to Sonitii HQ.
  • After being chased out of the Sonitii labs by Vee, Bobken headed to Nirvana's clinic to met with Dr. Lune.
  • Dr. Lune took Bobken to the Nirvana offices and had a chat about the Book Club and potentially being a study subject for her.
  • Was given a contract by Dr. Lune and Bobken headed to Sonitii HQ to have Dr. H take a look over it.

Episode #17:[]

  • Arrived at the Sonitii offices before the morning meeting and was joined by Dash, Crocolols, Dr. H, Nina, Blayne, Allen, and a new synthetic from Blayne named "Bebe".
  • After Mr. Myth joined the offices Bobken was tasked with Nina, Dr. H, Crocolols, and Joya to advertise an Evacuation Plan and Enterprise deal to all the Uppercity Corporations.
  • A masked Atlantis personnel came to advertise "Conch Coin" to both Bobken and Dr. H in hopes for them to invest.
  • Took part in the Uppercity Division for Sonitii along with Crocolols, Joya, and Nina to spread the word of the Evacuation Plan.
  • Headed to Nirvana to advertise, but couldn't get a meeting in with anyone so left to another corporation.
  • Arrived at Mars and met up with Blayne, Allen, and Beebee with a new Sonitii uniform.
  • Informed Razz about the Sonitii Evacuation Plan and Enterprise deals in order to inform the Mars corporation as well as having Bebe tag along with the Uppercity Division.
  • Went to Woto for the next advertisement where both Leonard and Korgak stood at the front gate for the Evacuation Speech.
  • Quickly left to Quixote and were escorted to their meeting office to discuss the Evacuation Plan and Enterprise deals.
  • Created a plan with the Quixote representative to fit high-tech security bots to further benefit the Enterprise deal.
  • After leaving the Quixote offices Bobken was struck with a sharp heart pain, but seemed to quickly subside.
  • Headed to Nirvana, encountered a Woto Cube with strange writing, and was taken by Dr. Lune for medical evaluation.
  • Delegated the rest of the advertisement of Nirvana the Uppercity team and urgently rushed out of Nirvana to commune with the Woto Cube.
  • A cryptic riddle stating "Essence begets presence, the patron approaches." was given as the Woto Cube as it spoke into Bobken's mind.
  • Ran into Dr. Lune after leaving the Sonitii apartments and was scolded for leaving early.
  • Reunited with the Sonitii Uppercity Divison team to further advertise the Evacuation Plan.
  • Visited the Atlantis corporation and went to the meeting room to discuss the Evacuation plan and Enterprise deal with the masked Atlantis representative from earlier.
  • Offered a deal to Atlantis to broadcast advertisements for the Evacuation Plan when the time comes.
  • Returned to Sonitii HQ to plot the advertisement for Talaris after a successful meeting with Atlantis.
  • Held a brief meeting with Talaris representatives in their courtyard about the Evacuation plan and Enterprise deal.
  • Talaris requested special ships with mana spheres to cater to the magically inclined operatives of Talaris for the Evacuation plan.
  • Once the business with Talaris was concluded Bobken was approached by an elderly Talaris worker and offered her a vehicle inspection when Myth has the time.
  • For the final advertisement stop Bobken and Joya went to Union Tower for the last Evacuation plan speech, but unfortunately no one arrived in person.
  • Found Bub at the Sonitii elevator and had Bebe chat with them while Myth and Dash returned from the wasteland with a box of unidentified crystals.
  • After taking the crystals back to the lab Sonitii HQ was suddenly attacked by "men in purple clothing" and Bobken was forced into hiding in the lab.
  • Once the attacker was handled Talaris arrived at the scene and Sonitii had to deliver the injured to Nirvana as Bobken and Dash took a gaurd for treatment.
  • The body of the attacker was taken into the Sonitii labs for further analysis as it may need a decker to crack the technical devices on them.

Episode #18:[]

  • Attended the understaffed Sonitii morning meeting with Dr. H, a late Joya, and a soon departing Myth to get new tasks for the day.
  • Bobken devised a plan to staff Joya at Sonitii as the secretary to keep the corp safe while Dr. H and he go do buisness with the other corps.
  • Received an urgent call to the meeting at Union Tower right as a phone call from Blayne was answered so Bobken tasked Dr. H to meet with the rest of Sonitii staff at the Row clinic.
  • The meeting entailed that the race for presidency is speeding up to be resolved in 3 days time as the threat to Corvanis 3 escalates and what the corps plan to do with the new alien samples.
  • Discussed with Mr. Goldman and Razz about the upcoming multicorp mission to salvage the Titan base in the Wasteland.
  • Contacted Blayne to fill him in on the mission occurring later in the day and the units required for assembly.
  • Sought out the Quixote worker Phil, the Nirvana worker Alice, and the Mars worker Luca, and the Wasteland Navigator Sheila as recommendations from Blayne, but couldn't manage to find Phil ,acquired the head of security for Nirvana David Walker in place of Alice, found out Luca was already appointed for the mission, and asked Atlantis for the location of Sheila to no avail.
  • Was offered an advertisement pitch from Atlantis synth FLOUND3R that involved vehicle sales.
  • Met with the masked Atlantis worker to further discuss the evacuation plan advertisement and the "Conch Coin" prospect.
  • Held a meeting with Conrad to discuss the Atlantis Sonitii joint effort to kickstart Project Zenith which is a new form of long distance internet.
  • Tended to the mission information debrief for David and the Atlantis combat personnel Pearl in order to get them ready for dispatch.
  • Reunited at Union Tower to call the mission dispatch and headed to Woto to chat with Rhapsoidia in the downtime.
  • Decided to introduce Rhapsoidia to the Dirty Diamond in the Row to experience the in local culture of Corvanis 3.
  • Was tasked by Vessa to get her kazoo that V stole from her and later found her at the Tea Shop only to be tricked an escaping.
  • After tea the crew moved over to the Ramen shop to teach Rhapsoidia about spice in food.
  • Encountered Leonardo at the Ramen shop and listened to his tales and sorrows.
  • Found Blayne and Bebe at the Ramen shop as they were leaving to hear the results of the Wasteland mission.
  • Returned to Sonitii HQ with Johnny in tow to discuss the potential Necromancers Lair mission details.

Episode #19:[]

  • Was assigned by Myth at the morning meeting to head to Woto with Sonitii scientists to examine the alien sample.
  • Informed Myth about Johnny's experience in the Necromancer's Sanctum and what Sonitii can do to prepare for expeditions.
  • Went to Woto along with Bebe to retrieve the alien sample for Sonitii analysis.
  • Was informed by Rikky that the sample has gone haywire and a majority of the Uppercity's forces were required to keep it at bay.
  • Tasked Joya with the transportation of the sample to the Mars arena for containment.
  • Received affirmation from Myth that in extreme circumstances Bobken may use the ships Sonitii has to flee the sample breakout.
  • Was ordered by Myth to lockdown Sonitii's security systems and prepare for the outbreak.
  • Allowed by Myth to push the button to glass the Golden Lance in the Wasteland, but the cannons wouldn't launch until the next day.
  • Ordered Bub to deliver food to the Sonitii offices for Dr. H, Crocolols, and Bobken.
  • After Blayne returned to the Sonitii offices for a mission breakdown and learned the creatures weaknesses.
  • Once the food arrived from Upper Eats, Sonitii members and Conrad had a Lunch break to discuss the ongoing events on all levels of Corvanis 3.
  • Left Atlantis with Leo in tow and headed to Ellek's Fish Stick Barbaque.
  • Unfortunately Leo had to leave after receiving an urgent message, but the barbeque started once members of Talaris and Conrad arrived and the group ate into the evening.

Episode #20:[]

  • Took place in the Sonitii morning meeting discussing the missions with the Golden Lance and the negotiations before launching an assault.
  • Hawkins then entered the meeting with news for attempts to reach out to the alien at the Golden Lance and how he planned to organize a group to speak to it.
  • In the middle of the meeting Horizon also arrived into the room detailing the efforts of communication in the Wasteland and how to aid in the upcoming mission.
  • After the meeting Bobken and Joya headed to Atlantis to speak of the advertisements planned, but no one was in the building at the time.
  • Headed to Nirvana to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lune, but discovered that she was on break by her coworkers.
  • After failing both meeting plans Bobken walked to Woto to order a cube and met an odd guard fishing of the side of the corporation.
  • Checked the stocks of the Uppercity and was disappointed to find Talaris out pacing Sonitii by 0.3.
  • Arriving back at Sonitii was sought out by Hawkins who stated that Horizon was calling off the negotiation mission and blowing up the Golden Lance anyway.
  • Horizon was then placed on a blacklist by Myth after being accused of spreading false information.
  • Had a private conversation with Myth about the ongoing stress and struggle it is to be in the leadership position for Sonitii with the ongoing threats.
  • Received a message that the cannons were about to fire, but quickly tried disengaging the launch only to end up needing to sign a 30 page cancelation document.
  • After handing the documents to Dr. H it was found out that stopping the launch was nearly impossible due to multiple heads of the galactic board singing its launch and the person responsible for cancelation requests was absent that day.
  • As the orbital cannon was fired from Sonitii HQ the entire Uppercity was shook as the Golden Lance was destroyed.
  • Once the shaking stopped Sonitii HQ was immediately questioned by the fellow corps as the cannons launched ahead of schedule.
  • At the Sonitii conference room Blayne had relayed the news to the corporations as Hawkins walked into the room which was met by both relief and anger as the mission was a failure.
  • Afterwards Blayne was informed that an unmarked heavily armed Dreadnaught Class ship had been found in the Wasteland and needed urgent attention.
  • The commotion caused Vee to hold attendants at gunpoint and Bobken tried to calm them down by displaying synthetic friendliness, but was hoisted into the CEO room along with Myth as Vee shot a guard and escaped.
  • Rushed to the Nirvana clinic after hearing news about Hortu having a heart attack from Johnny, but found out he was given bed rest while Joya spoke with Bobken.
  • Quixote requested to speak to a Sonitii representative as Joya, Johnny, and Bobken stepped in to fill them on the Golden Lance situation.
  • Returned to the Sonitii offices and after passing by multiple Galactic Union representatives it was discovered that the premature launch was due to higher corporate CEOs and not alien corruption.
  • Hortu was later found to have recovered and spoke with Bobken for a bit before Joya notified that evacuation plans for the Wasteland are to be put into effect by Myth to avoid the unidentified dreadnaught ship's assault.
  • Met up with Myth and discussed the evacuation reasoning along with the trust issues spreading around.
  • After a brief discussion between Myth and Horizon it was found out that there was massive miscommunication and Myth given permission for Horizon to cancel the mission, but when Hawkins asked Bobken about Horizon canceling the mission Bobken assumed Horizon was lying because he believed Myth wouldn't back out of the mission.
  • Once Bobken started to type the evacuation plans to Atlantis broadcasters Myth gave a message stating that the dreadnaught is owned by Thaddeus and might not be an urgent threat.
  • Hortu then stepped into Bobken's office and told him about how Hawkins personally shot a prominent Sonitii guard and the actions they should take when dealing with Atlantis further on.


Episode #24:[]

  • Woke up in Apartment to find Blayne, Vee, Bub, and new synth named "Bridgette" as he quickly left for work.
  • Authorized Blayne to distribute stealth and combat ships to corporations for the upcoming missions.
  • Started finalizing the members of the warpgate mission starting with Dagu, Vee, Blayne, and possibly members from Mars and Quixote.
  • Took part in a talk with Quixote member Daitus discussing Power Crystals, a stealth ship, and materials for creating high-tech devices.
  • Administered funds for Duncyn's funeral on behalf of Sonitii's relationship with the Row.
  • Was formally introduced to Bridgette or BR-16 by Blayne after the Quixote discussion.
  • Learned of the mission with Thaddeus and the aftermath that resulted in Vee's new chassis.
  • Reunited with Myth and recapped on the on goings of Sonitii.
  • Learned that Dr. H had retired possibly for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Instructed Nina to check the amount of battle type ships currently stationed on Corvanius 3.
  • Ordered the manufacturing of military grade ships to enlarge fleet forces.
  • Received the news that the Dirty Diamond worker Cleo had passed away recently.
  • Started to feel unenergized halfway through the day and began feeling drowsy and dripping poison out of his palms.
  • Nina quickly woke up Bobken making the poison receded and Bobken assumed it was from the Woto cube he was holding.
  • After repeatedly nodding off Bobken walked to Woto to find a remedy to his drowsiness in a second breakfast cube.
  • Joined Ellek on a trip to Union Tower in order to find Goldman and ask for Leonard's location to speak with him on the mission.
  • Came back to Sonitii HQ and had a lunch using Joya's UpperEats order.
  • Was told of how Riley and Lord Qroak passed away during the lunch break.
  • Aided Rhapsoidia with the radio channel for Sonitii communications.
  • After wrapping up the lunch break Johnny came into the room exhausted explaining Duncyn's death and learned that he was the boy genius Bobken was looking for.
  • Was demonstrated by Joya that she is a changeling that can take on different appearances at will.
  • Headed to the Mars arena with Myth, Joya, and Nina to practice handling firearms.
  • After a strenuous amount of effort at the shooting range Bobken fired his first bullet and then the handle was covered in slime.
  • Received a distress signal from Rhapsoidia that he was shot at the Quixote bridge and requested aid from Sonitii.
  • After more people showed up to the scene an active gunfight started involving multiple corps at Quixote HQ.
  • Looked for Union representatives but found no one and instead rushed to Nirvana to check on Rhapsoidia's status.
  • Found out after patients were recovered that purple armored people started the shootout and proceeded to spy on the groups who assumed it was a Talaris attack.
  • After no exciting events took place at Talaris Bobken left to Sonitii HQ to wrap up the work day.

Episode #25:[]

  • Walked into Myth's office to inform him of the orders to send freighters to corporate personnel and the president.
  • Sonitii HQ was suddenly under invasion by an alien treat who seemed to be hacking into the computers.
  • Took Myth to the Nirvana clinic after a severe wound to the head.
  • Received a notification that the Sonitii HTR team would be protecting the Nirvana clinic.
  • Helped transport Ellek to a separate bed after the surgery.
  • Attempted to order an evac ship to Nirvana, but the systems for Sonitii orders were down.
  • Escorted Myth to Union Tower in order to better defend themselves from the alien invasion.
  • Sustained a shot to the leg during the transfer, but was treated and decided to stay by Myth's side to protect him.
  • After spending much time protecting Myth in the Union meeting room Bobken decided to retreat home for faster recovery while escorted by Myth in a power suit.

Episode #28:[]

  • Holding up in Sonitii HQ with Joya the two worry about the safety of the Upper City.
  • After a distress signal from Quioxte the pair decided to check in to aid with the issue.
  • Once Quioxte was stabilized a new emergency came to light at Atlantis, but Bobken and Joya found it wiser to retreat to Sonitii.
  • Bobken decided to stay stationed inside the Head Office to be secure behind the blast doors and monitor Joya's scouting missions via the radio channels.
  • With Joya's escort Bobken was taken to Atlantis HQ for higher safety.
  • Just as they arrived at Atlantis they were suddenly under fire and quickly rushed to the indoor safety with supplies in tow.
  • Overhearing the aliens next move of sabotaging transportation Bobken proposed to shutdown power to the vehicles temporarily to pretend as though they are out of commission.
  • Due to Sonitii and Woto transportation failing to function Bobken gave the order to manually shutdown the rest of the transport shuttles in hopes to save them from sabotage.
  • Being warned of the oncoming aliens towards Atlantis HQ Bobken stayed sheltered with pistol in hand at the Atlantis labs.
  • Joya relayed a rescue request from the Row to Sonitii evacuation ships as Bobken worked on the requirements to save those they can.
  • Bobken asked Rhapsoidia if there was anyway to disturb the aliens communications as they successfully managed to do so for a short period of time.
  • Suddenly the Woto Cube commanded Bobken to gather more cubes as he dashed out to complete his mission.
  • Grabbing ENCORE as an escort the two made their way to Woto and meet a group of aliens worshipping and consuming Woto cubes.
  • Going to the aliens with cubes in hand Bobken tried to diplomatically communicate with them, but was slowly turned on and held hostage.
  • In a last ditch effort of hope after being shot the cube saved Bobken by taking the gun shot as he fled the scene unscathed.
  • Returning to Atlantis to tell Rhapsoidia about the aliens potential weakness it seemed as though the assault had settled down.
  • After an unsuccessful scan to see if Bobken was truly ok Dr. Lune proceeded to inject a relaxant and put him to sleep to ensure nothing bad would happen.
  • While Bobken was asleep he began to have poison seep from his hands and Dr. Lune decided to take a sample for future investigation.
  • Once Bobken finally woke up the battle was over and Conrade escorted Joya, Bobken, and Nina to the Atlantis Gala for a survivors celebration.


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Episode #13: (ABSENT)[]

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Episode #24:[]

Episode #25:[]

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Episode #27: (ABSENT)[]

Episode #28:[]


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