VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki

"Lissen... lissen..." ― Duncan

Duncan is a tiny Ferret with a New York accent that loves to make friends and play the saxophone.

History and Biography[]

Starting becoming a regular in Gator Crew lobbies in early May 2020.

Could be seen comforting CrazyMango after her and Gollys hectic break-up on May 15th 2020. A few days later on the 19th they would go on to win a Mute Pageant, then again a week later on the 26th after the 1st place competitor (LethalLexi in disguise) was disqualified.

Participated in the Gatorboiz meetup on May 31st.


  • He has a special place in his heart for Mutes and can often be seen hanging out with them.
  • While CrazyMango was still in Gollys possession, he talked about doing "slimy, sleazy, scandalous things" to steal her.
  • As his name implies, he very much enjoys drinking.
  • Is supposedly related with Tony Maloney through 23-and-me hereditary test results but knowing those tests its not certain. According to Duncan his father "disappeared after leaving the bodega to pick up a pack of reds".


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