VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki
VRChat Legends Wiki
Cleanup This article is in need of a cleanup in order to meet wiki quality standards.

Please edit this page to improve its grammar, spelling or format.


Articles marked with this category need to be proof-read and cleaned. To add a notice use the template for cleanup.

Posting or editing means that you agree to our Rules and Community Guidelines

How to clean an article

Cleaning an article usually includes one or more of the following:

  • Fact-checked. The subject of the article should be portrayed truthfully.
  • Not contain a bunch of bragging and dubious claims conveyed as factual statements.
    • If someone is making a claim, specify who and don't state it as facts.
  • Articles should not be confusing to read and aim to contain actual useful information.
  • Making sure that roleplay in-character is not confused with out-of-character and clarified. See Template:RPBTW
  • Use neutral, unbiased and non-accusatory language.
  • Don't insert yourself as the focus in articles that are not about you.
  • The subject of the article should be objectively portrayed unless the article is an opinion-piece.
  • General spelling, sentence structure and writing corrected.
    • Verb forms - past-present-future tense forms are being confused or mixed.
    • Writing perspective - avoid writing in first person.
    • If written in first person - clarify from whom.
  • Use uniform formatting, avoid random bold, italic text or stylized colors.
  • Adding headers, using accurate headers.
  • Using the correct infoboxes and templates.
  • Use article standards established by previous articles.
  • Separate fan-fiction from background lore established by the players of the characters themselves.
    • Ask the people who portray the characters if you are unsure if something is correct.
    • Avoid unnecessary wild speculations. If you do not know - avoid writing about it.
  • Separate actual in-game events from background lore and fan-fiction - use different headers.
  • Also check out some writing tips.
  • Writing an article for your own character can be a conflict of interest. Be mindful.
    • The VRChat Legends wiki is a wiki. Not a personal blog or a personal website.
    • We collaborate and document lore together. You do not get exclusive writing permission.



To add the notice to an article add the following shortcode syntax to the top of the page.


All items (84)
